To submit a stewards’ report for any incident, you have to DM the GT organisers on the Discord server. All incidents must be reported by 20:00 GMT on the Saturday immediately following a race and must accompany video evidence or your case will be dismissed. This gives you 3 days to submit a report on an incident. The stewards will be kept anonymous and all review the incident independently. Any punishment awarded will be announced in #stewardsreport on the Discord forum.
Points will be awarded as follows:
Penalties policed by the game will ONLY be removed after thorough review, under extreme circumstances such as:
If you receive an in-game penalty, due to the unpredictable ghosting system you are only allowed to slow down on the beginning of every start/finish straight ONLY, and can no longer slow down into a corner. This has to be done in a safe manner without obstructing other drivers, by clearly moving well off the racing line and completed WITHIN 1 LAP. This means the next time you come across the start/finish straight you are obliged to slow down. Failure to comply will result in a severe penalty and anybody who witnesses this should report the driver.
Recording your race is not mandatory however, if you are involved in an incident the stewards will ask to see your point of view. Failure to supply evidence may result in your enquiry being dismissed.
The stewarding panel consists of 3 independent drivers who are not organisers. Each steward reviews evidence independently and without communication to determine:
Stewards then share their conclusions. Guilt is decided by simple majority of 2 out of 3. If guilt and punishment is required, stewards decide from a pre-set list of possible penalties, which is most appropriate.
Available penalties are as follows:
Penalty points may also be applied by administrators at their discretion for minor offences, including but not limited to:
Accumulating 50 points over a season results in a race ban.
As discussed above, penalty points can be applied for a wide variety of on and off-track offences. Penalty points are accumulated over a season. Everyone begins Round 1 each season with 0 penalty points.
Once a race ban has been served, a second race ban will be awarded after 10 further points. 10 points after that will result in permanent exclusion from the League of Europe.